About The Program


For over ten years, RoadQuake has alerted distracted drivers to upcoming work zones,  making both drivers and workers safer. By providing auditory and vibratory (and some visual) feedback, RoadQuake Temporary Portable Rumble Strips (TPRS) can grab the attention of distracted drivers when high visibility signage alone may be insufficient.

RoadQuake’s presence in a work zone can have a positive effect on other commonly used roadway safety features, such as truck-mounted attenuators, or TMAs. TMAs, like RoadQuake, are proven countermeasures that reduce fatalities and serious injuries in work zones. By combining these effective systems, we can elevate safety further in work zones. As a result of feedback received from RoadQuake users, PSS would like to advocate the use of RoadQuake TPRS in the protection of TMAs.

Through our new Smart Asset Protection Program, we invite you to evaluate the use of RoadQuake TPRS in the advance of your TMAs. Using the same auditory and vibratory preventative measures, RoadQuake TPRS can alert road users not only to your work zones but also your assets, further reducing potential injuries as well as a capital investment in new TMAs. The types of work zones where TPRS is commonly used are typically of short-term stationary, moving/mobile or short duration. PSS can provide state-approved drawings to project engineers upon request.


The PSS Asset Protection Program is a 30-working-day trial for the use of RoadQuake TPRS to protect Truck Mounted Attenuators (TMAs) and the work zones in which they are used.

In the event of a TMA collision by a distracted or fatigued motorist, participants will be asked to submit collision documentation. If participants do experience such a collision, TPRS issued as part of the Asset Protection Program will be provided to participants at no charge.


Interested parties may submit a request for enrollment. A regional PSS representative will then contact interested parties to complete an enrollment form.

Once enrollment is approved, participants will be issued six RoadQuake TPRS strips along with placement instructions. The CRIB RoadQuake TPRS carrier is also available as part of this trial.

During the 30 working days of the program, participants must submit a daily photo via the Asset Protection Program smart app of deployed strips in front of TMA.

After the 30-day trial has ended, participants will complete a survey providing details of their experience using RoadQuake to protect their TMAs in active work zone(s).

All materials used for your program participation may also be returned to PSS upon completion, at no extra cost to you.